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Prepare For Your Reading


  • Be open to mediumship and come with an open mind. If you don’t believe in mediums or that people have this gift, that will be a huge block to me and the reading will be difficult. If you are bringing someone with you, PLEASE make sure they believe in mediumship because if they don't, it WILL disrupt the energy flow and make communication much more difficult, and I will ask them to leave.

  • Remember that you (and anyone with you) are responsible for the Energy that you bring to the Reading. The more optimistic and excited you are, the higher your vibration and the easier your messages will come through. Humor is so important to the Soul! Spirit Guides have a sense of humor. Laughter raises our vibrations and the higher the vibrations, the easier it is for Spirits and Spirit Guides to communicate.​Prior to your reading with me, briefly focus on something that makes you smile or laugh. By doing so you will raise our energetic vibration. Click here to watch Rockst*r animal voice-overs, they're hilarious!

  • Write Down Clear Intentions for the Reading. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. If you come in and ask your Guides “What should I do?” or you “Just want to see what they say”, then you won’t get a very specific answer from them. If you ask those questions, they will say ‘Regarding what?” and you may think I’m fishing for information, but I’m not because I am completely objective. You’re asking your Guides for help, not ME. 

  • You need to be specific with the questions that you ask Your Guides-I’m not here to guess what you’re talking about, and neither are your Guides. They are actually all about business, so the more specific questions you have for them, the better. So many clients become overwhelmed in our sessions that they don’t remember what they wanted to ask, so PLEASE, write down your questions!

  • Relax!

Please see the FAQ page if you've got more questions.


  • Don’t come EXPECTING a full-on conversation with your loved one. We communicated mostly with symbols and feelings.

  • Don’t expect me to know everything about you. I don’t, and I don’t want to because it’s not my business. I am literally just the empty vessel through which your Loved Ones and Guides communicate.

  • If your Loved One was murdered, please do not ask them who did it (or who sold them the drugs, or who was there when they died), or any other unpleasantness regarding their passing. That is a question for a PSYCHIC MEDIUM. I am an EVIDENTIAL MEDIUM-MY JOB IS TO PROVE TO YOU, THROUGH THE EVIDENCE THEY SHOW ME, that they are still very much alive and okay. They are concerned with the NOW, how you are, how they are…NOT with the past unpleasantness because that brings pain to you, and they cannot stand to see you in pain. Come here to receive messages of LOVE and PEACE from them.

  • Don’t come with a suspicious, cocky attitude like “Yeah, let’s see if she’s for real!” Of COURSE I understand you will have doubts, and you should, but just try to be open to whatever or whoever comes through.

  • Don’t try to test me. First, that’s super annoying, and second, if you ask me a question like “What was his favorite toy when he was little?” or “I prayed to him to say a specific word to you, what is it?” or “Did she see what we did at the beach?” or “Ask him about coffee and see what he says!” or "What was their favorite memory?" then you will bring out my EGO. The Ego is me, Wendy, and if you ask me a question that you already know the answer to, my ego will come into play and I will worry if I don’t get it right, and I will doubt my ability and the channel that I’ve established with the Other Side will be tainted. If the Spirit TELLS OR SHOWS me a particular word or a toy, or whatever, great. Basically–Let the Spirit do the talking!

  • Be Late. You’re paying for my time and skill, and oftentimes I have bookings with only 15 minutes or so to recharge my energy between them-so your allotted time is YOUR time, and I usually can’t go over time.

  • Do NOT be drunk or high. If I smell alcohol or marijuana for an in-person reading or you’re slurring your words or being incoherent on the phone or video, your reading is forfeited and you DO NOT get a refund. This is because you will not be in your right mind, even with just a little buzz. And if you’re not in your right mind, how you react will to certain things will be thrown off. You need to have a CLEAR HEAD!

  • Do Not Be Afraid! Spirits cannot hurt you, and before I start each reading I begin with a prayer to the Arc Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael, Jesus Christ, My Spirit Guides, Your Spirit Guides, and the Guides of the Deceased that ONLY SPIRITS OF THE LIGHT can enter. Besides, I’m wayyyyyy to Catholic for any negative spirits!

  • Do not worry about what religion you are or what religion I am. Earthly religion plays no part in the Communication. We are all just souls, here and there.

  • Don’t worry that your deceased does not speak English. It’s all telepathy, there is no established ‘language’ when channeling.


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