About Me
I'm Wendy and I am an Evidential Medium. I grew up in Hanover, MA and received my BA in Professional Writing from Emerson College. I moved to Los Angeles and was a Production Assistant on Batman: The Animated Series and Animaniacs, was a development assistant at Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, and an Assistant to the Casting Director on The Weird Al Yankovic Show. I also wrote nine produced episodes Cow and Chicken, Transformers: Beast Wars, and Action Man. After working in Hollywood for several years, I enrolled in the University of Reading in the U.K., where I earned my MA in Medieval Studies.

Upon returning home to the States, I gave an academic paper on the death of Pope Boniface VIII (who, of course as you all know, died in 1303) at the International Congress for Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI, where I met my future editor at McFarland Publishers. I pitched the idea of a book on just the DEATHS of the popes, and after submitting several sample chapters to them I received a contract for my book The Deaths of the Popes: Comprehensive Accounts Including Funerals, Burial Places, and Epitaphs (2004).

I founded Gypsy Rose Pole Dancing Lessons in Boston, MA, and it was there that my paranormal journey began. As a dance teacher, I felt an overwhelming urge to tell my students about their deceased loved ones. Many were grieving the death of their grand parents. I felt their loved one’s presence, and as time passed, these feelings continued to come more often. When I did share my abilities with my students, I was often incredibly surprised at the accuracy of the readings.
After three years of sharing my gift as a medium, I decided to expand what I do and since 2018, I have incorporated my gift into a business that has impacted the lives of many across the United States and the World.
I currently live in Alabama with my high school sweetheart. My life’s purpose is to help those who have experienced a sudden death find meaning in their loss, especially if they did not have the opportunity to say goodbye.

My dad and I in Old Tuscon, Arizona
But Why Focus on the Sadness of Suicides, Overdoses, and Sudden Deaths?

A lot of people (including myself) have asked me that question, and although I can communicate with Spirit Guides and anyone in the Afterlife (if they choose to come forward when asked) regardless of how they passed, I’m choosing to focus on these kinds of deaths for several reasons.
They come through very easily to me. Channeling to their loved ones is helping them understand their loss, which compels me to make this my focus as my Spirit Guides have slowly, through the years, guided me personally to this point.
How, you ask? I can relate to those who have taken their own lives, or who just wanted to escape their lives and accidentally passed. This is because I also suffer from clinical depression and the many variables that go along with that.
Therefore, I naturally understand how they felt–the desperation, the hopelessness, and most of all, the lonliness. The Spirits can feel my aura of safety, understanding, honesty, and love–and that my intentions are only for the Greatest and Highest Good for all those involved–and so they have particularly drawn you to me.