But You Didn't Say Goodbye!
Evidential Mediumship Readings that Focus on:
Suicide, Overdose, and Traumatic Death
Spirit Guide Reading
Spiritual Hospice Comfort
Spiritual Healing
I'm Wendy and I am an Evidential Medium. A reading with me is a very intense, spiritual experience that will have a deep emotional impact on you and you will need time alone to process the information afterwards.
Therefore, if you’re looking for a fun, lighthearted psychic reading with friends to see your future and who you’re going to marry and how many kids you’ll have, a local psychic, tarot, tea leaf, or palm reader would probably be a better choice for you.

Not All Who Have Passed Are Healed.
Communication from you is often what your Loved One needs to help heal their earthly trauma and provide closure…so that you can all move forward in Peace.
All readings are in Central (CST) time. Please plan accordingly, I am not responsible for converting the time to your time zone.